Study Suggests COVID-19 Infection May Increase the Risk of Developing New Mental Health Problems
Mental health issues have been exacerbated by the social
isolation, economic stress, loss of loved ones, and other
struggles due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new study,
Mental Health in People with COVID-19,
published in the journal The BMJ, suggests that COVID-19
infection itself may i...
Mental Health Report Card Shows All 50 States Are Struggling to Address Youth Mental Health Crisis
February 17, 2022
The Hopeful Futures Campaign has released a first-of-its-kind
Mental Health Report Card for each of the 50 states' schools.
This report comes after several of the nation's leading pediatric
called the state of children's mental health a national
emergency, ...
License Backlogs Are Preventing Some New Healthcare Workers from Seeing Patients
February 15, 2022
As the healthcare field faces staffing crises, those entering the
industry and applying for a variety of care licenses are facing
longer than normal delays in some states, preventing them from
providing care. As reported on, four different professional m...
CDC Proposes Relaxing Guidelines for Doctors Prescribing Opioid Painkillers
February 14, 2022
As reported on,
on Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) released proposed changes to its
guidelines for U.S. doctors prescribing oxycodone and
House Passes Third Continuing Resolution to Keep Government Funded through March 11th
February 10, 2022
On Monday, February 7, House Democrats introduced and the House
of Representatives voted to pass a third consecutive continuing
resolution (CR) to keep the government funded through March 11,
and to give Congress more time to complete a fiscal year 2022
omnibus spend...
Telemedicine Is Helping to Eliminate Racial Health Gaps
February 8, 2022
A new study from the University of Pennsylvania,
Association of Telemedicine with Primary Care
Appointment Ac...
Bills Requiring Mental Health Programs at Colleges/Universities Moves through
which requires institutions of higher education to implement
suicide prevention programs and raise awareness of mental health
services, was introduced in the State Legislature on January 31,
2022. It has moved through the Assembly Higher Education
Committee, and has been ref...
Experts Cautiously Optimistic about the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Path
February 1, 2022
Dr. Aaron Glatt, a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society
of America and Chair of Medicine at Mount Sinai South Nassau on
Long Island, is among those who believe, at least for the New
Jersey and New York metro region, that there will be a return to
a relative s...
Departments of Labor, Health & Human Services, Treasury Release 2022 MHPAEA Report to Congress
January 27, 2022
The United States Department of Labor, Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS), and Department of the
Treasury have released the 2022 Mental Health Parity and
Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) report, Rea...
NIH-Supported Study Finds Links to Better Mental Health among Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic
January 25, 2022
A study published today in the Journal of Adolescent
Health found that supportive relationships ...
Funding Cut from Excluded New Jerseyans Fund
January 24, 2022
The Excluded New Jerseyans Fund (ENJF), as described on, "provides a one-time, direct cash
benefit to eligible households who have suffered hardship
due to COVID-19 and were excluded from both the federal
Executive Order Requires Stricter Vaccine Requirements, Raises Concerns about Healthcare Workforce
Jan. 19, 2022
Earlier today, Governor Phil Murphy issued a new
Executive Order (#283) that requires all staff in health
care and high-risk congregate settings (e.g., prisons,
nursing homes, other long-term care centers) to be fully...
Final Day of New Jersey Legislative Session Sees Emergency Powers, Tax Breaks, and Others on Agenda
January 10, 2022, was the final day of the current state
Legislative Session, which means that any bill that fails
to make it through both chambers by the end of the day
will need to be reintroduced in the next legislative
Absent Legislation, Old Rules for Virtual Addiction Treatment May Return, Making Access Harder
In the midst of the pandemic, there was much easing of
regulations around telehealth services. In the case of virtual
addiction treatment, the temporary telehealth expansions not only
helped patients work around the pandemic lockdown, but also
eliminated some common barriers to care that ...
Congress’ Priorities Include Build Back Better Act, Expanding Mental Health Access
December 28, 2021
"Democrats are hoping to pass President Joe Biden's $1.7 trillion
social spending agenda after setbacks in December pushed
negotiations into 2022. Lawmakers are also expected to turn their
focus to issues such as telehealth and mental health, which have
broad support...