About Us

Mission Statement: We champion, support and promote the value of our member organizations.

Vision Statement: We strive for a world in which adults, children and families are empowered by a well-resourced and effective network of high-quality, integrated healthcare and social services.


Collaboration: Fostering excellence through networking, education and innovation.

Value: Access to high-quality healthcare and support services.

Sustainability: Healthcare and support services continue to thrive.

Equity: An environment of inclusion for all.

NJAMHAA represents 164 organizations that collectively provide the full continuum of behavioral healthcare services, including hospital-based and freestanding agencies that offer all types of services in various settings for children and adults with mental illnesses, substance use disorders (SUD), intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD), co-occurring health conditions and other challenging life situations, such as unemployment and lack of housing.

They serve more than 500,000 children and adults each year and contribute to the economy through 61,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Click here to access the member directory.

Click here for information about how to apply for membership.


Today, the vast majority of individuals with serious substance use and/or mental health disorders, as well as thousands of other persons with common behavioral problems, live and receive their services in the community. Hospital-based and freestanding behavioral healthcare providers (providers of treatment and support services for individuals who have mental illnesses, SUD and/or I/DD that comprise NJAMHAA's membership are the roots of this community-based system. Providing clinical treatment and support services to children and adults, regardless of their ability to pay, NJAMHAA’s members are key to the well being of the residents of New Jersey. For seven decades, NJAMHAA has fostered the growth and vitality of this system. Through advocacy, education, training, mutual support, development of key partnerships and a variety of services, NJAMHAA assists agencies committed to improving the availability and quality of behavioral health services throughout the state.


Established in 1951, NJAMHAA is a leader in providing effective advocacy on behalf of its members and the community at large who rely on members' services, creating a face for the population of individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders (SUD) and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) who often have no voice of their own. Making sure individuals with behavioral health disorders are no longer invisible, ignored or misunderstood, and helping to increase access to treatment and support services they need, NJAMHAA is on the national forefront fighting stigma and discrimination and helping them to improve their lives. NJAMHAA educates state and federal policymakers and legislators about the behavioral healthcare system and its value, in order to garner their support for increased and sustained funding, and supportive legislation and regulations.

Our association creates a face for the population of individuals with mental illness, SUD and/or I/DD who often have no voice of their own. Making sure individuals with behavioral health disorders are no longer invisible, ignored or misunderstood, NJAMHAA is in the national forefront fighting stigma and discrimination and helping them to improve their lives. We educate the public, as well as leaders and legislators. By leaning on our comprehensive support structure, our members stay focused on providing a high-quality continuum of care to ensure the recovery of adults and children dealing with mental illness, behavioral and emotional problems, SUD and/or I/DD.

NJAMHAA's Diverse Faces campaigns have yielded even more significant funding increases in the FY2023 and FY2024 State Budgets, and we are confident that the current campaign, Diverse Faces: All Are Worthy of Full Investment, will continue to build on our impact. Please click here to view this campaign brochure, which features success stories that were fostered by clinical and support services received, and here to watch videos of additional success stories.

Although we continue to evolve as the behavioral healthcare environment constantly changes, one thing always remains constant: Our commitment to support providers in their efforts to improve the lives of individuals with behavioral health challenges and their families.

Our presence is highly visible to policymakers and state and federal legislators on a consistent basis. NJAMHAA has access to key contacts in Trenton and in the nation's capital and our influence is extensive. Because of the large and comprehensive constituency of provider organizations we represent, NJAMHAA is a highly respected voice for the industry. Known for our persistence and perseverance, we are relentless and successful in our advocacy efforts on behalf of our members, and the individuals and families they serve.

Innovating for Progress, Partnering for Solutions, NJAMHAA's identity piece, illustrates the tremendous benefits that NJAMHAA members provide through the quality and effectiveness of services that save lives and greatly enhance quality of life. The publication also highlights the fiscal value of these services by being cost-effective; preventing the need for much higher-cost healthcare services and other consequences of lack of or delayed treatment; and contributing directly to the state’s economy through employment, purchases, taxes and fees.

Click here for details on our advocacy successes in our FY2024 Annual Report, Transformational Leadership with Powerful Results.

Click here for details on NJAMHAA's growth and impact throughout its 70-year history.

Click here to watch a video in which Governors Codey, McGreevey and Chris Christie, past and present NJAMHAA Board members, additional members, and other behavioral healthcare stakeholders share their views and memories of NJAMHAA's impact throughout its history.


Transparency Policy of NJAMHAA Regarding Grants

It is the mission of NJAMHAA and the New Jersey Mental Health Institute (NJMHI), its related 501(c)3 of which it is the sole member, to bring training and technical assistance and education to members and staff of behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment organizations. Therefore, NJAMHAA and NJMHI pursue grants and other funding to support both organizations in meeting these goals.

It is with full transparency that NJAMHAA and NJMHI have permission from their Boards to seek grant funding from a variety of federal, state and local government sources even if some member organizations are applying for the same funding opportunities. All members benefit from these funded projects and the increased revenues to NJAMHAA and NJMHI, which result in resources, training and technical assistance for all, and enable NJAMHAA to keep any dues increases to only minimal amounts.

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