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Long Waits for Behavioral Healthcare Services Result in Exacerbated Health Conditions

December 9, 2024

The FY2026 State Budget Needs to Include Significantly Greater Investment in the Behavioral Healthcare System

For many months, Juanita’s anxiety and depression made it difficult for her to go to her job and to socialize with her friends. When Juanita finally built the motivation and courage to seek help, she was added to a wait list and did not have her first outpatient mental healthcare appointment for several months.

During that time, Juanita's mental health further deteriorated and led to a drastic decline in her job performance and she lost her job. This situation led to insomnia and withdrawal from her friends.

Fortunately, Juanita was able to be stabilized with individual therapy and medication management from Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton’s Early Intervention Support Services program. She was then referred to Catholic Charities' outpatient program to maintain her stability.

Click here for details on how Juanita's situation could have been better if she received services earlier; what could have happened if she never received services; and how these risks can be reduced with increased fiscal and legislative support for the behavioral healthcare system.

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