Everyone’s Advocacy Is Needed Now and until the FY25 State Budget Is Signed!

April 22, 2024

Reinforce the Fact that New Jerseyans Cannot Wait any Longer for Life Saving Care!

Advocate for Significantly More Investment in the FY2025 State Budget!

Debra L. Wentz, PhD, President and CEO of NJAMHAA, and leaders of partner advocacy organizations recently held a press conference, New Jerseyans Cannot Wait Any Longer for Life Saving Care, and shared compelling examples of the negative impact of long waits for behavioral healthcare and social services - many of which are due to the workforce crisis - and equally powerful illustrations of the positive impact of these services.

We Must Keep this Powerful Advocacy Going!

Please join NJAMHAA and other stakeholders in advocating to the State Legislature to ensure that the FY2025 State Budget includes significantly greater investment in these vitally important and highly effective services.

Click on the links below for resources to use in your advocacy and on your website and social media pages!

Press conference highlights

NJAMHAA's Diverse Faces: All Are Worthy of Full Investment campaign brochure and videos

Thank you for joining NJAMHAA and other stakeholders in this critical advocacy effort!

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