DHS Announces Enhancements to Adult I/DD Emergency Services Programs

January 9, 2024

Last week, January 5, 2024, Sarah Adelman, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), announced significant enhancements to the statewide emergency services programs aiding adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

As shared on Trentonian.com, contracts have been awarded to three organizations to manage emergency capacity services across New Jersey. The programs specifically serve individuals with I/DD, including those with acute behavioral needs requiring immediate residential and day program support.

The three organizations are:

  • Community Options, Inc.
  • Community Access Unlimited (NJAMHAA member)
  • Oaks Integrated Care (NJAMHAA member)

Commissioner Adelman was quoted saying, "Our primary goal is to support individuals with I/DD who are in need of immediate services due to homelessness or other emergent circumstances . . . As an example of the importance of these services, we're requiring providers to accept admissions 24/7 and adhere to a strict 'no reject' policy, meaning that providers must accept every referral from the Department without exception. We're continuing to focus on meeting the needs of all individuals and providing comprehensive and quality services, while helping individuals thrive in the communities in which they live."

Referrals to the Emergency Capacity Services (ECS)programs will be made by DHS's Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD).

In addition to primary services, the ECS programs will offer ancillary support such as recreational activities and transportation to and from community services.

Click here to read more on this story.

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