SAMHSA Shares New 988 Warning Signs Videos and Print Materials

December 4, 2023

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has shared new videos about suicide warning signs and safety plans, now available for download from the 988 Partner Toolkit.

Two new videos about warning signs focus on teaching people about signs that may indicate someone is struggling with mental health, such as changes in behavior, sleeping too much or too little, increased drug and alcohol use, severe emotional pain, and more.

Knowing steps to create a safety plan can demystify the process for people in need. An additional video, linked here, walks through the safety plan steps so that people can identify warning signs of a crisis, coping strategies, and trusted resources.

New 988 Lifeline print materials are also available in the SAMHSA store. Click the respective links below to order print versions of warning signs note cards for adults and youth, a warning signs poster for youth, and safety plan pads. Print-ready files and digital versions of each material are also available for download.

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