NJDOL Hosts Sessions for Input on a Comprehensive Workforce Development Plan

November 30, 2023

Every four years, the State of New Jersey is required to develop a Comprehensive State Plan for Workforce Development. The document includes strategic, operational and compliance components related to federally and state-funded efforts. A significant part of the discussion considers demographics, data, and applicable program elements.

To ensure the process is open and considerate of many of the significant aspects of the process, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJ DOL) will be holding a series of Partner/Stakeholder Voice Sessions, designed to consider various insights and perspectives.

DOL held a similar series of meetings for its prior plan and found that holding these sessions earlier in the process may allow for additional relevant information to incorporate into the plan.

All sessions will be held virtually. Those interested may attend any or all of the sessions they believe are appropriate. There will be overlap during each session as there are questions DOL will ask each group regarding topics such as technology and service provision.

Those interested should reach out to Carlye Lamarca at Carlye.Lamarca@dol.nj.gov, so that they may be provided with an Outlook invitation, which will include a link to each of the sessions and provide DOL with a count on who plans to attend.

DOL particularly requests that those who have received any of the federal grants that include a workforce development component participate.

Sessions dates and times, their specific topics, and meeting links can be found below:

Click here to access a calendar of all the sessions for more information.

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