Governor Murphy Signs Proclamation Declaring Sept. 10th – 16th as Suicide Prevention Week

This week, September 10 through 16, 2023, is observed as Suicide Prevention Week, taking place within National Recovery Month. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has signed a proclamation officially declaring Sept. 10 - 16, 2023, as Suicide Prevention Week.

In the Governor's proclamation, it was highlighted that nearly 700 New Jersey residents died by suicide in 2020 (the last year with confirmed data), which was a 10% decrease from 2019 and the lowest number of suicide deaths in the state since 2009. Governor Murphy highlighted that in July 2022, 988 was launched nationally and in New Jersey as the new three-digit number that individuals can use to reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, and that New Jersey has several help lines serving specific groups of individuals at high risk for suicidality. They are:

  • Vet2Vet, (866-VETS-NJ-4 or 866-838-7653) for veterans and their families
  • Cop2Cop, (866-COP-2-COP or 866-267-2267) for law enforcement and their families
  • 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline, 1-800-222-2228, for youth (via phone, text, or online at

Click here to access the Governor's proclamation itself for more information.

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