Governor Murphy Rescinds Nearly All Remaining Statewide COVID-19 Requirements

April 6, 2023

On Monday, April 3, 2023, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order (EO) number 325, rescinding COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements for high-risk congregate settings, including locations such as hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons.

Individuals who have been or will be granted religious or medical exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine will no longer be required to submit to routine COVID-19 testing by their employers. The only statewide COVID-19 requirement that remains in place is the vaccination mandate for healthcare workers, according to Alexandra Altman, Deputy Communications Director for Governor Murphy and as reported on

Governor Murphy was quoted on having stated, "With vaccines and treatments available to help combat the effects of this virus and our state maintaining lower rates of key metrics, New Jersey can continue to take steps to responsibly lift COVID-19 mitigation protocols . . . In line with federal recommendations, today's executive order will keep certain safety measures in place to protect vulnerable individuals in health care settings while lifting others in recognition of the progress we have made in combating this virus since the height of the pandemic."

Click here to read more on this story, and click here to access EO 325 itself.

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