Medicaid/CHIP Coverage to End for Many Individuals; Help Prevent Coverage Gaps

August 29, 2022

In anticipation of the public health emergency ending, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is helping state governments, other partner organizations and current Medicaid/Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries prepare for upcoming termination of coverage.

"The need for renewal or redetermination may not be surprising to current enrollees, but they may need time to take action, as some find the activities associated with renewal to be time consuming," as CMS states in its communications toolkit.

Click here to access this toolkit, which includes key messages and other important messages; a template article to use in newsletters; template e-mail and text messages; and social media content. Click here for the Spanish version of this toolkit.

Updates to beneficiaries' contact information should be submitted as soon as possible. Individuals do not need to wait to receive letters about being transitioned to the Health Insurance Marketplace. CMS encourages individuals who receive notices from their states' Medicaid/CHIP agencies that they are no longer eligible for this coverage to immediately apply for new coverage. New Jersey residents would need to apply through the GetCoveredNJ website.

Once the federal government gives the 60-day notice of the public health emergency ending, states will need to start processing eligibility for their residents and then send renewal forms to individuals who continue to be eligible for coverage. For those who are no longer eligible, states will need to send them letters about being transferred to the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Individuals will have 60 days from the date of notification that their coverage will end to enroll in new insurance plans. If there is no response, coverage will be terminated.

Click on the links below for additional resources:

CMS webpage about the Health Insurance Marketplace - Includes links to applications, forms and notices; technical assistance resources; and outreach and education.

Unwinding homepage on

Medicaid and CHIP Beneficiary Resource Page

Recordings, Transcripts and Slides from Past Webinars

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